Statutory Information
Our school contact details are:
CB11 4DU
Tel: 01799 521120
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Peta Torrance (
Our Office Manager is Mrs Kate Brown (
Our Inclusion Manager is Mrs Kathie Moy (
School Day
8.35am - Gate opens
8.40am - Classroom doors open and all children must be in their classroom (otherwise they will be marked as late and will need to come into school via the office)
3.10pm – Infant children dismissed from class.
Compulsory weekly hours in school 32 hours 30 minutes
Early Years Year 1 Year 2 |
Children are not allowed to walk home independently and will not be released to anyone younger than 16 years old. Children are released from the door by their teacher, who releases them one at a time to their agreed parents/carers. If no parent/carer is present after 5 minutes, the child will be brought through to the office. Children who go to Ace Club will be collected from the Infant Classes by members of Ace staff. |
8.30am – Gate opens
8.35am - Classroom doors open and all children must be in their classroom (otherwise they will be marked as late and will need to come into school via the office)
3.15pm – Junior children dismissed from class.
Compulsory weekly hours in school 33 hours 20 minutes
Year 3 |
Children are not allowed to walk home independently and will not be released to anyone younger than 16 years old. Children are released from the door by their teacher, who releases them one at a time to their agreed parents/carers. If no parent is present after 5 minutes, the child will be brought through to the office. Children who go to Ace Club will walk to the Ace Club Hall independently. |
Year 4 |
Children are not allowed to walk home independently and will not be released to anyone younger than 16 years old. Children are released from the door by the teacher who remains present until all the children have been collected. If the person collecting them is not there, the children return to the teacher until their parents/carers arrive. After 5 minutes of waiting, the teacher will bring the child through to the office. Children who go to Ace Club will walk to the Ace Club Hall independently. |
Year 5 |
Parents may choose to complete a form allowing their child to walk home independently. This right may be withdrawn by the school if any concerns are raised about the child’s safety or conduct while walking independently. The children are released at the back door with the teacher present. The children should return to the teacher if there is no one to collect them. If no parent is present after 5 minutes, the teacher will bring the child through to the office. Children who go to Ace Club will walk to the Ace Club Hall independently. |
Year 6 |
Parents may choose to complete a form allowing their child to walk home independently. Children who were allowed to go in Year 5 will automatically continue to walk home independently. This right may be withdrawn by the school if any concerns are raised about the child’s safety or conduct while walking independently. The children are released by their class teachers from the classroom. The children should return to their classroom if there is no one to collect them. The teacher will bring the child through to the office. Children who go to Ace Club will walk to the Ace Club Hall independently. |
In Year 5 we still encourage parents to continue to bring and collect their child from school. However, if you feel your child is mature enough to walk to and from school independently, then we will release your child from school if you give consent below.
In Year 6, and in preparation for transition to secondary education, we understand that you may wish for your child to walk to and from school independently. If you feel your child is mature enough to do this then please give consent below.
Please note - once the clocks go back in October all children in Year 5 & 6 must be collected from after school clubs (at 4.15pm) by an adult.
If your child engages in anti-social behaviour and complaints are made about them by other parents or members of the public, then we will ask that you revert to collecting your child from the classroom door again.
If you wish to give consent for your child to walk home please complete the form here.
Please contact the office at any point if you decide to withdraw consent.
For our visions and values, please follow the link.
For Admissions, please follow the link.
For our OFSTED Reports (our Infant and Junior schools are judged separately)
If you would like to give your views to OFSTED, then please visit their ParentView website here.
To view our exam and assessment results, please follow the link.
To view the schools' performance tables, please follow the external links below:
Katherine Semar Infant School performance data
Katherine Semar Junior School performance data
To view our curriculum pages, please follow the link.
To view our policies, including our behaviour policy, complaints procedure and charging and remissions policy, please follow the link.
For our Pupil Premium strategy, please follow the link.
For our Sports Premium funding reports, please follow the link.
For our Special Needs and disability information, please follow the link.
For information on our Academy Trust, please follow the link.
Saffron Academy Trust - internal page
For an external link to more information on the Saffron Academy Trust please click here.
For the Statutory Company info page, for a copy of the Final Funding Agreement, Incorporation Document and the Articles of Association please click here.
For information of attendance at Saffron Academy Trust board meetings please click here.
Our diversity and accessibility policy and action plan can be found within our Non-Curriculum policies.
Gender Pay Gap Information can be found here.