R.S.E. (Relationship and Sex Education)
RSE is taught within our P.S.H.E. curriculum. It is taught from Year 1 to Year 6, using a scheme of work called Jigsaw.
There are four main aims
• To enable young people to understand and respect their bodies, and be able to cope
with the changes puberty brings, without fear or confusion
• To help young people develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their
age, development etc. (respect for self and others)
• To support young people to have positive self-esteem and body image, and to
understand the influences and pressures around them
• To empower them to be safe and safeguarded
It is a parental right to withdraw their child from RSE lessons, but if you are considering this, please do talk to us as most fears about the lessons are based on misconceptions and once the rationale has been shared, most parents appreciate that the lessons are in the best long-term interests of their child.
If you are considering taking your child out of RSE lessons within PSHE , please
consider the following:
• All the other children in your child’s class will have been taught this information
and may well talk to your child about it, perhaps in the playground… and potentially
mislead them or confuse them as a result. It may prove far better to allow
experienced and sensitive teaching staff to teach your child in a progressive,
developmental way that is grounded in research.
• They will be learning about reproduction in Science lessons. The RSE in PSHE will
echo this and will concentrate on teaching children how to enjoy healthy, appropriate
relationships, improve self-esteem and self-confidence, and make healthy, informed
choices. When viewed this way, it is hoped that RSE won’t be seen as contentious or a
cause for concern, but rather as helpful.
Please contact the school if you would like more information.
KEY Aspects of RSE
The key aspects of the RSE lessons cover the following:
• Life cycles
• How babies are made
• My changing body
• Puberty
• Growing from young to old
• Becoming a teenager
• Assertiveness and self-respect
• Friendship and family life
• Safeguarding
• Family stereotypes
• Self and body image
• Attraction
• Relationship skills e.g.conflict resolution
• Accepting change
• Looking ahead
• Moving/transition to secondary school
For more information, please read the brochure below.