
Ms Wilcox and Mrs Dolby coordinate English at Katherine Semar Schools. 

We are passionate about providing an English curriculum that equips every child with a strong command of the spoken and written word, entwined with a love of literature.

The spoken language underpins reading and writing and is at the heart of our curriculum. Talk develops children’s thinking and our Inspire curriculum provides opportunities for children to discuss, elaborate and explain their ideas and understanding, make presentations, demonstrate to others and participate in debate.

Our intent

‘English is the most important tool you’ll ever need’ (Benjamin Zephaniah- poet/writer). Our English curriculum aims to equip children with a strong command of the spoken and written word entwined with a love of literature.

Spoken language underpins reading and writing and is at the heart of our curriculum.      

Talk develops children’s thinking and our Inspire curriculum provides opportunities for children to discuss, elaborate and explain their ideas and understanding, make presentations, demonstrate to others and participate in debate. Alongside, children develop to become active listeners.

Children also learn to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, communicating with others effectively and confidently.


Every child learns how to read with fluency and understanding and hears high quality text read aloud, including classic literature.

Reading extends children’s knowledge, widens their vocabulary and develops their ideas.

Our curriculum encourages and supports children to read widely and often, both for information and pleasure.   Research shows that ‘reading for pleasure can promote better health and well-being’ and ‘is a more powerful factor in life achievement than socio-economic background.’ (The Reading Agency) Indeed, through reading, children develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.


Children write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

‘Writing’ as James Britton said, ‘floats on a sea of talk,’ and our children produce high quality written work based on this belief. Alongside purposeful talk prior to writing, pupils grasp punctuation, grammar and ambitious vocabulary, allowing them to communicate their ideas coherently and effectively.

Writing down ideas fluently depends on effective transcription. Children learn to spell quickly and accurately using a range of strategies and develop fluent, legible and eventually joined handwriting at speed. Children plan, revise and evaluate their writing thoughtfully and effectively.

Challenge and Support for all Learners

We understand that every learner develops differently and adapt our provision continuously to ensure every child receives the correct balance of support and challenge in order to achieve their very best.  We recognise this fact and provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. Each child is valued, respected and challenged regardless of ability, race, gender, religion, social background, culture or disability as we build strong relationships ensuring each child will thrive.